Landed in rapid city south Dakota and picked up the RV. Was told by Clark that our first stop would be Wall Drug. any place that has the word drug in it has to be good.
Well then - no drugs not sure what the place is all about other than about 12 gift shops full of Western type trinkets and key chains and lots of other things with your name on it.
Went through the bad lands and what not and then off to the koa campsite ( we are now members). Kind of thought we'd " check in" " clean up" And head off to some cute little western "restaurant" for some " dinner"
Ummmmmmm said the koa lady - you are in the middle of nowhere - there are no restaurants or grocery stores. Okee dokee then " thankfully" the koa store has everything we need - hotdogs, buns and ketchup. No BOOZE! So I will have to make do (for tonight) with the 3 bottles I picked up at Wall Drug!
Making our "beds" now And then off to my ambien enduced sleep.
More tomorrow