So 2 ambien, 2 bottles of wine, 2 ear plugs - still did not drown out the 12 hours of beating rain on the flimsy tin roof 4 feet above my ears.
Up at 7 - I went down to the creek to fetch some water, the chillens are still asleep, the neighbors are up and at em with an ice cold PBR and a pack of marlboro reds, and clark is wandering aRound with his blackberry trying to get reception for his conference call!
Thinking about a shower and deciding on using our own luxe 1 x 1 shower or following my neighbors down to the community shower which boasts to be one of the cleanest of all koa showers in these parts! I'm a bit intimidated because they all seem to have a routine and are carrying shower caddies. I have my Christian Dior robe and my Terry cloth cosmetic pouch
So many movies come to mind... City slickers...