I grew up in a household where you dress for dinner. You clean up and your clothes match – a little fresh lipstick. I like that. We’ve gotten to be a very casual society. Stand outside any Catholic Church and watch what rolls in on a Sunday morning. I mean really you didn’t even wash (let alone brush) your hair – God Bless You.
So along comes Thanksgiving and I am always annoyed by what people think is appropriate for Thanksgiving dinner. I’m sure my family (on the in-law side of course) think (know) I am a huge bitch when it comes to this. I’m pretty sure it’s because I walk up to them and say things like “are you wearing jeans and a black biker tank top to the Thanksgiving dinner that we got a printed invitation for? Well don’t worry, I’m sure the other 20 women in nice dresses didn’t notice J”
Also, I’m not a big believer in letting your kids wear whatever they want to a nice dinner for a number of reasons:
1. Who is the boss?
3. You are 5 and you are not going to stomp your feet and get your way because I AM THE BOSS of this and everything else you do until I am finished paying for things.
4. That short skirt and shredded tights makes your 13 year old like a slut. Yeah maybe she’s not – good luck with that. The black eyeliner and pierced nose is cute though.
I get that not every Thanksgiving dinner is a big fancy deal so I am suggesting some of my favorite classy looks for all kinds of Thanksgiving get togethers:
EARLY DINNER at the COTTAGE - A family gathering in the “country”
Leggings/ Boots
Oversized sweater
CASUAL THANKSGIVING AT HOME- with friends and family
Skinny Jeans tucked into boots
Blazer or Jacket with a cute tee underneath – scarf of course
FINE CHINA and FINE WINE – a dressier crowd
A great dress topped with a fur vest – layer some vintage necklaces or load on the pearls
Tall boots