the ART of being IN fashion

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


These are the people who spend their holidays bouncing from party to party.  It is exhausting to be so popular.  If they get invited to 8 parties in one night - by god they will get to all 8.  I have determined that these people are so insecure that they can't possibly miss one.  Maybe they think that people will be talking behind their backs, maybe they want to feel "popular", or maybe they just don't have the social graces to accept one invite and decline the other ones because they already have plans.  But thats a big risk because what if the other parties were more fun????

If you are the first party, the PW's (party whores) will show up right on time (or annoyingly early) and remind you immediately thay can only stay a short time because they have to scoot off to another party because "its my husband's sister's neice's cousin and we really feel like we should be there - so sorry..."  They nervously jump around the party trying to get a word into every guest and letting them know their plight (a few other parties to hit).

If you are the last party, the PW's show up, you are bombed and they are a huge buzz kill. "sorry we're late... where should we put our coat... do you have any water... we brought you a little gift"  Listen assholes I don't know who you are right now - I forgot that you were even coming. SOOOO lets catch up over a coffee so that I can remember the interesting conversation about the other parties that you were at, what they had to eat, who all was there and what they wore but NOT NOW, and I was lip syncing to "don't stop believin'" so join on in and shut the fuck up.

Guess what...I'm tallking behind your back and so is every host of the 8 parties that you attended.  But hey, you are popular so... enjoy that and post a bunch of party pics on your facebook. 

Coming soon to Laura Says...
People who don't RSVP because they are just "not good" at that.  These are the same people who "don't do" thank you notes.  Ironically all of these people grew up in a trailer park.  Coincidence?